Question | Response | |
1. Arizona’s public education system allows students to attend a local district school, charter school, virtual school, or through school district open enrollment. Do you support a parent's right to choose the best public school, in their judgment, for their children? | Strongly support | |
2. What are your priorities as a lawmaker? [Economic Development] | Highest Priority | |
3. What are your priorities as a lawmaker? [Education] | Highest Priority | |
4. What are your priorities as a lawmaker? [Environment and Public Land Issues] | Highest Priority | |
5. What are your priorities as a lawmaker? [Health Care] | Highest Priority | |
6. What are your priorities as a lawmaker? [Sentencing Reform] | Highest Priority | |
7. What are your priorities as a lawmaker? [Transportation] | Highest Priority | |
8. Charter schools are public schools that are operated by private contractors to provide education service - similar to other state contractors for health care, transportation, and other services. Do you support charter schools in Arizona? | Yes | |
9. Please share what your priorities will be as a state lawmaker to strengthen Arizona’s workforce and economy so that all Arizonans have better opportunities to move up the economic ladder? | Empower youth with a strong education system and ensure everyone has access to high-quality healthcare | |
10. School districts and charter schools are public schools; do you support equitable funding for all public school students? | Yes | |
11. Do you support tax reform? | Yes | |
12. What are your ideas for tax reform that would improve our state's economy? | I thinking it is important our government reevaluate tax practices periodically to ensure that we are meeting the needs of our citizens. | |
13. Do you support efforts to reform Arizona’s regulatory boards and commissions? | No | |
14. What is the greatest challenge facing Arizona today? | The Economy. The current pandemic has left many without a job and small businesses have closed. We will need to focus on building back our economy to ensure prosperity for all. |
12439 N. 32nd St.
Phoenix, AZ 85032
©2020 Arizona Charter Schools Association
The Arizona Charter Schools Association is an organization tax-exempt under Code Section 501(c)(3) and qualifies for a charitable contribution deduction.