Association President Asserts Charter Schools Accepts All Students

The Arizona Republic published an op-ed from Association President and CEO Eileen Sigmund that addressed a number of mistruths regarding charter schools not accepting all students. Sigmund notes that public charter schools are bound to the same laws as district schools to accept all students, including those who require specialized instruction.

Story Published in the Arizona Republic on July 17, 2015

eileenThere are a number of troubling mistruths in the July 4 letter by Ginni Shuss of the Osborn School district.

I am saddened by stories of parent struggling to find educational accommodations for their children with special needs.

It is unacceptable for any public school, district or charter, to deny enrollment for a child with a disability. If these situations are occurring, we encourage parents to contact the dispute coordinator at the Arizona Department of Education.

Public charter schools are bound by the same laws as district schools to accept all students, including those who require specialized instruction. Many high performing charter schools have developed specialized instruction to accommodate students with disabilities.

The Arizona Autism charter School, which falls within the boundaries of the Osborn School District, provides high quality, specialized education accessible to students with autism spectrum disorder.

So it is a disservice to hardworking charter school teachers and administrators to allege that all charter schools are not following the letter of the law. That is simply false.

As an association, our priority is to strengthen public education through productive dialogue on the issues facing our students and families. We encourage our colleagues to do the same; our children deserve it.

Eileen Sigmund, President and CEO Arizona Charter Schools Association