Sarah Tyree

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1. Arizona’s public education system allows students to attend a local district school, charter school, virtual school, or through school district open enrollment. Do you support a parent's right to choose the best public school, in their judgment, for their children?Support
2. What are your priorities as a lawmaker? [Economic Development]Priority
3. What are your priorities as a lawmaker? [Education]Highest Priority
4. What are your priorities as a lawmaker? [Environment and Public Land Issues]Priority
5. What are your priorities as a lawmaker? [Health Care]Highest Priority
6. What are your priorities as a lawmaker? [Sentencing Reform]Priority
7. What are your priorities as a lawmaker? [Transportation]Priority
8. Charter schools are public schools that are operated by private contractors to provide education service - similar to other state contractors for health care, transportation, and other services. Do you support charter schools in Arizona?
9. Please share what your priorities will be as a state lawmaker to strengthen Arizona’s workforce and economy so that all Arizonans have better opportunities to move up the economic ladder? I want to create equitable education for highschool students. Because Arizona has become a results based funding state, many of our most vulnerable schools have become even more vulnerable. Those students lose out on classes that build essential life skills. What I'd like to do is create partnerships between small local businesses and their local public high school. Students would do one internship a semester starting their junior year. By the time they have graduated, they've had 4 internships which provide them with an actual resume and skills they can take into the workforce, allowing them to make more than minimum wage. It provides opportunities for less privileged students to experience professions they may have not known about or thought they'd be interested in. And it provides an opportunity for the business and the community to strengthen their bonds. We could provide a small tax incentive and liability insurance for each business willing to partner.
10. School districts and charter schools are public schools; do you support equitable funding for all public school students?Yes
11. Do you support tax reform?Yes
12. What are your ideas for tax reform that would improve our state's economy?To start, there needs to be a sunset clause on all tax credits for large corporations. We need to take a deep dive into our spending, close holes, and give relief to the people.
13. Do you support efforts to reform Arizona’s regulatory boards and commissions?Yes
14. What is the greatest challenge facing Arizona today? I believe the biggest challenge Arizona is facing today is acknowledging that there is no economy without the people. They need to move forward, together, simultaneously.