Shawnna Bolick

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1. Arizona’s public education system allows students to attend a local district school, charter school, virtual school, or through school district open enrollment. Do you support a parent's right to choose the best public school, in their judgment, for their children?Strongly support
2. What are your priorities as a lawmaker? [Economic Development]Highest Priority
3. What are your priorities as a lawmaker? [Education]Highest Priority
4. What are your priorities as a lawmaker? [Environment and Public Land Issues]Not Really a Priority
5. What are your priorities as a lawmaker? [Health Care]Priority
6. What are your priorities as a lawmaker? [Sentencing Reform]Priority
7. What are your priorities as a lawmaker? [Transportation]Priority
8. Charter schools are public schools that are operated by private contractors to provide education service - similar to other state contractors for health care, transportation, and other services. Do you support charter schools in Arizona?Yes
9. Please share what your priorities will be as a state lawmaker to strengthen Arizona’s workforce and economy so that all Arizonans have better opportunities to move up the economic ladder? I have a good record meeting with stakeholders in the state on workforce development issues. I served on several interim committees last year. I even had a chance to go on a manufacturing tour and a tour of our prisons to see how voids could be filled in several areas.
10. School districts and charter schools are public schools; do you support equitable funding for all public school students?Yes
11. Do you support tax reform?Yes
12. What are your ideas for tax reform that would improve our state's economy?Presently, I will be educating constituents about Prop 207 and 208 and how neither will help improve our state's economy. I support further ways to reduce taxes to continue to be a magnet so our students will have immediate career opportunities.
13. Do you support efforts to reform Arizona’s regulatory boards and commissions?Yes
14. What is the greatest challenge facing Arizona today? One of the biggest challenges today is reopening our schools. I have a daughter who is a high school student and a son who is a freshman in college. They are both fast learners and the current "online" learning is not furthering their education as well as in-person learning. We need to reopen our schools safely so our kids can make up for lost group from last school year and can achieve every bit of success in life they deserve.