At the heart of our mission is the desire to provide a quality education to each student in Arizona, no matter where they attend school. The Association’s research team supports this goal by publishing analyses of Arizona school quality, providing tools for researchers, and promoting research-based advocacy that improves student outcomes. Our expertise has been employed for a number of non-partisan, external reviews and evaluations of Arizona’s key education policies.
The Arizona Charter Schools Association has released the NEW Education Evaluator, an easy to use interactive public school map that provides an easy, transparent way for parents and community members to research and compare schools across Arizona.
Users can view school enrollment information, student achievement data and school specific information for all of Arizona’s district and public charter schools
Data Tools
Annually, public school students in most grade levels take various state-required achievement tests. These tests give parents and educators a rare opportunity to compare student achievement over the educational landscape and over time. This data dashboard allows users to track performance of charters and districts, student subgroups, and grade levels over time. Missing information indicates a low number or no students in a category.
On October 1 each year, all public school systems across the country do a “head count” of enrolled students. These data help educators track enrollment trends by student group and within programs. Student counts are available for more than a decade on this data dashboard. Missing information indicates a low number or no students in a category.
Additional Useful Data Tools for Public Charter Schools
For more online tools, visit the sites linked below:
- Arizona Department of Education School Report Cards
- Arizona Department of Education annually publish public data files – click here
- Arizona State Board for Charter Schools online data system
- National Center for Education Statistics Elementary and Secondary Data Warehouse
Education Blog and Publications

Education a Top Priority for Arizona Legislative Candidates
By Eileen Sigmund Early voting is underway for the 2018 primary elections. With that in mind, the Association asked all legislative candidates running for elected office in 2018 to participate in a survey

Want to Delve into the AzMERIT Results? Check Out Our Dashboard!
By Jamar Younger For the fourth year in a row, Arizona’s public charter students scored higher than the state average in nearly every grade level and subject area on the state’s AzMERIT test.

Record Number of Public Charter Students Pass AzMERIT
Charter Students Outperform State Average for Four Consecutive Years Phoenix, Ariz. (Aug. 7, 2018) – Released today, the AzMERIT results show public charter school students scored better than the state average in nearly

Association Pushes Toward Goal of Helping Schools Open in Poorest Areas
In 2014, the Arizona Charter Schools Association embarked on a mission to open 25 A-rated charter schools in Phoenix’s urban core by 2020. The Association is well on its way to meeting that

Why Are Charters Rated A-F or Not Rated?
By Ildi Laczko-Kerr The 2017 A-F results provide accountability for a sizeable portion of public schools in the state; however, not all schools received a letter grade. The table below summarizes the percentage
How Do You Know if Your Students Are Sitting in Quality Seats?
By Ildi Laczko-Kerr More than 150,000 students are enrolled in charter schools that either received a 2017 A-F letter grade or can’t be rated due to its small size. About 70 percent of

Arizona Charter Schools, Educators & Students Celebrated during Charter Schools Week May 7-11
Governor’s proclamation recognizes contributions of Arizona charters to public education Phoenix (May 7, 2018) – In a record-breaking year that saw national charter public school enrollment surpass 3.2 million students for the first

Association Applauds Governor Ducey, State Legislature for New Investments in Education
Arizona Charter Schools Association President & CEO Eileen Sigmund released the following statement on the Fiscal Year 2019 budget: “This is a great day for Arizona schools. The Arizona Charter Schools Association applauds