Gateways to Better Education

Aligning with AZ Ed Code 15-110, the RESPECT PROJECT focuses on improving student performance by helping teachers lawfully and appropriately support students of all faiths. It is a 30-minute online training for school staff that reviews: (1) key elements of the U.S. Dept. of Ed.’s guidance on religious expression; (2) research on students’ religious upbringing as an academic and behavioral asset; (3) non-sectarian ways to affirm students’ expression.
There is no cost for schools to use the RESPECT PROJECT training module. We recommend schools make it optional for staff who are interested in the topic and also provide CEUs for completing it. We will report to the school leadership the number of staff who complete it and their answers to our post-training survey.
Contact Information

Marty Cutrone, National Director

(949) 586-5437

About Us

The Arizona Charter Schools Association supports student achievement through high quality charter schools, advocates for student equity and charter school autonomy, and leads Arizona’s charter schools as a sustainable, strong, credible organization. As a nonprofit, membership organization, the Association believes that every Arizona student should have access to a quality public school.

Contact Us

12439 N. 32nd St. Phoenix, AZ 85032
P. 602.944.0644