Yvonne Watterson
Director: Communications, Professional Learning & Partnerships
o: 602.944.0644
e: yvonne@azcharters.org
By Eileen Sigmund Does your child attend his or her assigned district school? If so, they’re nearly among the minority in Maricopa County. That’s according
2017 Charter Transformational Leader of the Year: Sara Maline Bohn By Jamar Younger For Sara Maline Bohn, no idea is too far-fetched. The Arizona School
2017 Arizona Public Charter School of the Year By Jamar Younger Painted Rock Academy has established itself as a model of consistency since the public
By Eileen Sigmund Educational freedom is fundamental for Arizona families. For nearly 25 years, parents have been given the opportunity to select a school that
By Arizona Charter Schools Association Staff Former Arizona State Board of Education Chair Greg Miller died unexpectedly on Tuesday, Oct. 24. Greg and his wife,
By Jamar Younger Public charter schools are required to admit all students, including special education pupils. The State Board for Charter Schools has issued guidance
By Eileen Sigmund This week, Arizona issued its first “A-F” letter grades in three years. This is what you need to know about these grades
By Jamar Younger After a self-published and flawed report on public charter schools, Arizona’s charter community and the Arizona Republic quickly responded that charter schools
By the Arizona Charter Schools Association The Arizona Charter Schools Association issued the following letter to our charter schools on Sept. 22 in response the
By Jamar Younger Arizona’s public charter students have outperformed their peers for the past three years, topping state and national indicators of academic success. This
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Phoenix, AZ 85032
©2020 Arizona Charter Schools Association
The Arizona Charter Schools Association is an organization tax-exempt under Code Section 501(c)(3) and qualifies for a charitable contribution deduction.